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Texas Tangle (Tangled) - Leah Braemel Nikki has been through a lot at the hands of her ex-husband and her brother but she has always had her neighbour Dillon and his foster brother Brett to turn to. When her truck breaks down one night and Dillon offers to drive her home they discover her house is empty and everything she owns has been stolen. Moving in with Dillon the heat quickly builds between the two of them but Nikki also has feelings for Brett. Brett and Dillon fought over Nikki years before and now that she is free again they both want to win her heart. Will she be forced to choose between the two of them or can they find a way for them all to be together?

I have to confess that Texas Tangle is the first menage story I've read so I wasn't too sure if I'd like it but I was impressed. Nikki was a likable character who has been through hell and made you want to protect her but for me it was Dillon & Brett who stole the show. Usually when the heroine of a story has 2 men to choose from I find it pretty easy to pick a side but with Dillon & Brett I just couldn't choose between them. Let's just say that if those two sexy men were in my life I think I'd be more than happy to try out a menage relationship!

I found the feelings between the 3 were believable and kept me wanting to read more, I really didn't want to put the book down. The heat between them was incredible & scorched the pages leaving me in need of a cold shower! I loved the fact that Dillon & Brett genuinely cared for each other as well as for Nikki - they were best friends as well as foster brothers and neither wanted to see the other one get hurt. This story really did have a little of everything and I enjoyed the scenes with Dillon's family - his gramma made me laugh out loud and his mother gave Nikki some great advice.

Texas Tangle was an enjoyable erotic story and I could have happily carried on reading more about these characters. It has left me wanting to try more menage stories and I will definitely be checking out more of Leah Braemel's work in the future. I'd recommend this story to any erotic romance fans.