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Acting Friends (Flynn, #0.5) - Sophie McKenzie Acting Friends is a short story that was originally published for World Book Day in 2012 and is now available to read for free on the Simon & Schuster website HERE. It is a prequel to Sophie McKenzie's Flynn series and is set a couple of years before the first book Falling Fast.

It's a cute story that follows River through her first couple of weeks at secondary school. I'm sure most of us remember the nerves of starting a new school, one that seems so much bigger than your last one did and where instead of being one of the biggest kids you suddenly find yourself one of the smallest. I thought Sophie McKenzie did a fabulous job of capturing how lost and alone River felt before she gradually started to make friends. We don't get to see Flynn in this story since it's set several years before he and River meet but you do get to see how she met her friends Grace and Emmi which was really nice.

I'm sure fans of the series will enjoy this story and since it's a free read it might be a good way for people to try the series and see if they want to go on to read the main books. Bear in mind that the characters are only about 11 in this story though so it has a younger feel to it than Falling Fast where they are 15/16. The ebook does also include the first chapter of Falling Fast though so that should be enough of a taster for you to decide.
The Transfer: A Divergent Story (Divergent, #0.1) - Veronica Roth UPDATE: Do yourself a favour and don't buy this ebook if you don't want to waste your money.

As of 10th September it will cost you £1.99 for this ebook but if you wait until January you can get this and 4 other short stories (all priced at £1.99 each when purchased separately) in one print bind up that is currently available to pre-order for just £4.99 (versus the £9.95 it would cost you for the 5 ebooks!!!)

[b:Four: A Divergent Story Collection|18126198|Four A Divergent Story Collection (Divergent, #0.1 - 0.4)|Veronica Roth|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|25457412] contains all of the following short stories:
1. [b:The Transfer: A Divergent Story|18080920|The Transfer A Divergent Story (Divergent, #0.1)|Veronica Roth|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1375978012s/18080920.jpg|25389330]
2. [b:The Initiate: A Divergent Story|18080921|The Initiate A Divergent Story (Divergent, #0.2)|Veronica Roth|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|25389331]
3. [b:The Son: A Divergent Story|18080922|The Son A Divergent Story (Divergent, #0.3)|Veronica Roth|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|25389332]
4. [b:The Traitor: A Divergent Story|18080923|The Traitor A Divergent Story (Divergent, #0.4)|Veronica Roth|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|25389333]
5. [b:Free Four: Tobias Tells the Story|13615258|Free Four Tobias Tells the Story (Divergent, #1.5)|Veronica Roth|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1350838641s/13615258.jpg|19216323]
Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter, #3) - Sherrilyn Kenyon Last year I promised myself I would start catching up with some of the series that I've been dying to read for ages now and the Dark-Hunters was one of the ones at the top of that list. As you can see I failed spectacularly in that goal and only read the first 2 books! I really enjoyed both of those books though so it really is about time I made more of an effort to continue the series. It may have been a while since I read about the Dark-Hunters but it didn't take long for Sherrilyn Kenyon to completely suck me back into their world and I think I'm going to go on a bit of a Dark-Hunters reading binge over the next few weeks. One of the things I enjoyed most about reading Night Embrace was the humour in it, I don't remember the earlier books being quite as funny as this one and I'm sure I didn't find myself snorting out loud as I read them. There is a particular scene where Talon is caught without his clothes by Kyrian & Julian that was hilarious, I don't think he's ever going to live down that pink towel!

Anyway, to get on with my actual review I'm just want to say how much I'm coming to love this series. I had a few issues with Night Embrace because I found it quite predictable at times and it does follow a lot of those paranormal romance tropes that we've all seen many times before BUT in spite of that I couldn't stop reading. What makes this series so great is it's characters and once again both Talon and Sunshine stand out in my mind as people who I'd like to spend more time with. It was great to catch up with some of the previous characters but I'm also loving getting to know Acheron better and I was really excited by the introduction of Zarek and Vane. I already know I'm going to adore all three of these characters when I eventually get to their books (and I found out that Zarek is up next which has put a HUGE smile on my face!).

I absolutely LOVED Talon, he is so damn sexy it is unbelievable and I had to smile at the image of this huge leather wearing, motorbike riding warrior walking around with a snoopy pez dispenser in his pocket. He is a fairly typical protective alpha male but I loved the way he was so sweet around Sunshine, he has spent hundreds of years keeping his emotions locked down tight but Sunshine smashes through those barriers within minutes and he'll never be the same again. Talon lost so much before he became a Dark-Hunter that it's almost surprising that he isn't bitter and constantly angry at the world but he is actually quite a fun loving guy who has good friends amongst the Dark-Hunters. He is the one that Ash can always trust to have his head screwed on straight so the way Sunshine sends him off the deep end is quite a shock to the others. He is so protective of Sunshine that he would rather walk away and let her live her life without him than risk bringing his curse down upon her head so I'm glad that Sunshine wasn't about to let him walk away without a fight.

Sunshine is a very unique character, she is quite ditzy and scatterbrained but she doesn't have a mean bone in her body and it was hilarious to hear her thoughts about Talon. She has such an unusual way of looking at things but she she's actually quite a realist deep down. She already has one failed marriage under her belt and the last thing she is looking for is another man who is going to expect her to look after him. Sunshine is very focused on her career as an artist and isn't going to let anyone knock her off that path. That is until Talon worms his way into her heart and then, when she realises how much he means to her she is going to do whatever it takes to keep him in her life.

I loved spending time with these two characters, in a lot of ways they are complete opposites but they fit together really well and make such a cute couple. It helps that they have fantastic chemistry (there is a lot of very HOT sex in this one!) but there is much more to them than that. They build a genuine friendship together and there are a lot of other ties between them. It's hard to say too much without giving spoilers but there is one part of their relationship that normally bugs me when I come across it in paranormal romances but Sherrilyn Kenyon handled it so well that I actually ended up loving the extra connection it gave them. I can't wait to carry on reading this series so I'm going to end this review here to go and get started on Dance with the Devil!
Unbound - Cara McKenna Buddy read with Amanda
The Unexpected Wedding Guest (Modern Tempted) - Aimee Carson I have been a fan of Mills & Boon romances since I was a teenager and they always hit the spot when I'm looking for a fun, sexy read that is going to leave me with a smile on my face. So when I was offered review copies of the books in their new Modern Tempted range I jumped at the chance to read them. I always love a good second chance romance so I was looking forward to The Unexpected Wedding Guest and it was an enjoyable story.

Reese and Mason married young and neither of them were fully prepared for the trials of marriage. Mason spent most of their short time together on tour in Afghanistan and Reese missed him like crazy. When he came back suffering with PTSD and acting like a completely different man she didn't know how to help him and she was devastated when he pushed her away. She has spent years trying to put her past behind her and is finally ready to move on with her perfect fiancé who is just the kind of guy her parents always wanted her to marry. When Mason turns up looking for "closure" and her fiancé walks away just days before their wedding Reese is forced to face up to the fact that she never got over Mason but will she be brave enough to give him another chance?

I think what I loved most about this one is that both Reese and Mason had made mistakes in the past and they were willing to look at things from each other's perspectives to figure out exactly why their marriage ended the way it did. They were both able to own up to the part they played in the breakup and were willing to discuss things like adults which made me believe that they could build a future together. Both of them have done a lot of growing up in the last 10 years but Reese in particular has gone from a spoiled, pampered princess to a woman who can stand on her own two feet and is willing to fight for what she wants. She is forced to face a few uncomfortable home truths but she does it with dignity and is determined to make changes in her life. It didn't hurt that they both had fabulous chemistry too!

The Unexpected Wedding Guest is the first book in a linked series featuring four best friends who were room mates in college. It was interesting to see the dynamics between Reese, Gina, Cassie and Marnie and I'm looking forward to getting to know them all better as we read their individual stories. All four books have been written by different authors with Girl Least Likely to Marry by Amy Andrews also released this month (I'll be reading that one very soon so keep an eye out for my review). The next two books, Maid of Dishonor by Heidi Rice and Last Groom Standing by Kimberly Lang, will be published in October and I'm already looking forward to getting my hands on them.
Curran - Gordon Andrews I LOVE Curran so I was excited to get inside his head and see some of the pivotal scenes from the series from his POV. This free ebook contains scenes from each of the first four books in the series (Magic Bites, Magic Burns, Magic Strikes & Magic Bleeds) and I would recommend reading each one after the book in question.

I always wanted to know what went through Curran's head when he first met Kate (remember the "Here kitty, kitty, kitty" line?) and it was just as funny as I thought it would be! It was so good to see how Curran's opinion of Kate changed as he got to know her and my only complaint is that I wanted more.

Kate Daniels fans are going to love these little extras but I'll warn you now this isn't a good place to start if you're unfamiliar with the series. They aren't full length stories so taken out of context they'll mean very little but for those of us who've read and loved the books they are perfect.
Out of Line - Jen McLaughlin, Diane Alberts I love Diane Alberts' adult contemporary romances so as soon as I found out she was releasing her first new adult romance under the pen name of Jen McLaughlin I knew I had to read it. And that was before I found out that the hero Finn was a sexy, tattooed Marine who loves to surf in his spare time! I'm happy to say that Out of Line lived up to my high expectations and was a fantastic story.

As the daughter of a rich politician Carrie's life has been spent living under a spotlight. She has the best that money can buy but she pays for that with the over the top security measures her father insists on and in the way that she never knows if her friends like her for who she really is or because of her family connections. Going to university is supposed to give her a new start, for the first time she'll be somewhere that nobody knows who she is and where she'll be able to stand on her own two feet. She is happy to be away from having around the clock bodyguards and enjoying the chance to just be a regular student. Carrie was an easy character to like, considering her upbringing I expected her to be a bit of a spoilt brat but she was the complete opposite and was an incredibly down to earth, generous and giving person. She donated not just money but also her time and did so with no expectation of getting anything in return which made me really respect her.

Finn was sexy as hell, I've already mentioned he's a Marine who loves to surf so you won't be surprised to know he has a body to die for but I loved his personality even more. He was very sweet and caring towards Carrie and I loved the way he looked out for her but at the same time encouraged her to take risks and do the things she's always wanted to do. He has a very big secret and I'll admit that I was worried what Carrie's reaction would be when she found out. I can't say too much without spoilers but I did find myself slightly annoyed that he didn't come clean with her sooner than he did. Luckily because the story is told from both of their points of view you can see exactly what's going on in his head and you understand how much he struggles with his conscience.

I loved the way the romance between Carrie and Finn develops so slowly, they are instantly attracted to each other but they take time to get to know each other and become friends before they even hint at falling in love which is something I appreciated. They just fit so well together and I enjoyed seeing them spend time just hanging out and having fun. Carrie's reaction when she finds out Finn's secret was realistic and I'm pleased that she didn't instantly forgive him, he had to work at earning her trust back and I liked her even more for standing her ground after he'd hurt her so much. If you've read any of the author's adult romances you'll know how good she is at writing steamy scenes and creating scorching hot connections between her characters - that is no different with Out of Line and Carrie and Finn certainly know how to turn up the heat. This is a fabulous start to the series and I can't wait to read more from Jen McLaughlin (and of course from her Diane Alberts pen name too!).
Shadow and Bone  - Leigh Bardugo I loved this book just as much the second time around! I'm not going to write another review though so you can read my original one here: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/330550948
Take Me - Diane Alberts I've mentioned before how much I love Diane Albert's contemporary romances, she always writes such realistic characters who have fantastic chemistry and Take Me is no exception to that. Although this is the fourth book in the Take A Chance series it can easily be read as a stand alone story, I would happily recommend all of the books though because they've all been great reads.

If you have read any of the previous stories you'll already know Mike through his sisters Brianna and Kiersten. While he has always been a protective big brother who wants nothing but the best for his sisters he has always been a huge commitmentphobe who balks at the idea of a long term relationship, let alone marriage. I've always liked Mike so I've been looking forward to his story for quite a while now. As we get to know him we realise that he isn't quite the womaniser he pretends he is, as much as he isn't interested in commitment he doesn't go home with a different woman every night either. In fact it's been quite a while since he last went home with anyone. Morgan catches his eye when he is out celebrating his best friend Garrett's bachelor party, the chemistry between them is undeniable but for the first time in his life Mike finds the woman is the one to send him packing while he is hoping for more.

Morgan is determined to focus on her dancing career and the last thing she needs is a man in her life who will stop her following her dreams. She wants to be free to travel for her job and only agrees to see Mike again because he is so adamant that he isn't looking for a relationship. She might as well enjoy the no strings incredible sex before she moves on. When a drunken night out ends with the two of them married they are both horrified but Mike is sure there must be a reason that they went along with something so impulsive - he just needs to convince Morgan to give them a chance.

I really loved seeing the tables turned on Mike, he is so used to being the one who walks away that it comes as a shock to his system when Morgan is the first to run. He isn't afraid of a challenge though and he knows when something is worth fighting for. I though they made a great couple and I loved the fact that he was supportive of her career even when it meant she would be away from him for months at a time. Theirs was a really sweet story and I absolutely loved the epilogue that gives us a glimpse of how all 4 couples from the series are doing five years later. Although I'm sad that the series has come to an end that was the perfect finale.
Me, Cinderella? - Aubrey Rose Buddy Read with Ange and Cory

I had such high hopes for this one but I'm just not enjoying it enough to finish reading it. I made it through the first 40% but I just don't care about either of the main characters enough to want to pick it up to find out what happens next.

I'd seen reviews saying this was very maths heavy which made me a little nervous (I may be a geek but maths has never been my strong point!) but that actually didn't bother me too much. There were a lot of terms that flew straight over my head but it fitted the story well and didn't feel forced. Unfortunately what did feel forced was the relationship between Brynn and Eliot and that's what killed the book for me. They've literally had a couple of conversations before they start pining for each other and acting like lovesick teenagers (possibly understandable in Brynn's case as she was 20 I think but Eliot is supposed to be 10 years older than her!).

I'm also feeling a little squeamish about the fact that he is her teacher and in a position of trust. Although that hasn't really played a big part yet I think it's going to get more questionable as the story continues since she is now one of the interns in the program he is running.

The other thing that was bothering me was the change from first person (Brynn's POV) to third person (Eliot's POV), it wasn't that either part was badly written but I kept getting jolted out of the story every time the POV changed.

All in all I'm going to have to say that this just isn't the right book for me.
Briar Rose - Jana Oliver As a huge fan of Jana Oliver's Demon Trappers series it's no surprise that Briar Rose has been on the top of my wish list ever since I first heard about it. The fact that it's a dark and twisted fairytale retelling of Sleeping Beauty just made me even more curious about it! I'm happy to say that while Briar Rose is completely different to the Demon Trapper's series it still has Jana Oliver's addictive writing style and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Briar doesn't realise it but she has been cursed to die on her 16th birthday, her parents have kept the curse a secret from her but they have always been incredibly overprotective of her because of it. She only finds out about the curse the day before her birthday and while she isn't sure whether to believe in it or not Briar does know that isn't ready to die which makes her determined to do whatever it takes to break the curse and get her life back. It isn't going to be easy for her though, she finds herself thrust into a dream world that has taken things from her imagination and twisted them into something evil and frightening. Stuck in a new world where she doesn't understand the rules and has no idea how to escape Briar struggles to figure out who to trust and try and find a way home.

I found myself really liking Briar's character, she is quite sweet and innocent but at the same time she has a backbone and is prepared to stand up for herself and those she cares about. She is completely out of her comfort zone but that doesn't stop her trying to help the people she meets and I was happy that she was so level headed about trying to figure things out. What was really nice was that she has supportive friends who are also doing what they can to help her. Briar's best friend Reena was a great character and along with a surprising ally Pat she added a lot of humour to the story. Joshua was incredibly sweet and I liked the way he was willing to put himself in danger to protect Briar. The two of them had been best friends as children before a silly feud between their families pulled them apart. Even though they haven't spoken for years you could tell that they still cared about each other and it was nice to see that bond of friendship rekindled as they spent time together again.

The world Jana Oliver has created was a fascinating mix of old and new, in a lot of ways Briar's dream world felt like you had stepped back in time but adding in the strange creatures and weird blend of metal hybrids gave it a strong fantasy feel with just a hint of steampunk. I could happily spend more than one book exploring this world but in a way I'm glad that this story was a stand alone, it's seems so rare to come across a book that isn't part of a series these days and it's nice to get the full resolution to the story by the end of the book. Of course Briar Rose has a strong fairytale feel to it, especially with hints of Sleeping Beauty, but it also reminded me a little of Romeo and Juliet thanks to the feuding families and star crossed lovers. No matter how many stories it reminded me of it still stood out as unique in it's own right though and it's definitely a book I'd be happy to recommend. If you like your fairytales on the dark side and are a fantasy fan then Briar Rose is definitely a book you'll enjoy!
Scorched - Mari Mancusi I've always been a little obsessed with dragons so of course one look at the cover of Scorched and I HAD to read it! Unfortunately, as excited as I was to read this story it didn't quite manage to live up to my expectations. It wasn't badly written but it didn't capture my attention in the way I thought it would and if I had to use one word to describe the book I'd have to say it was forgettable. It was a fairly quick and easy read that I enjoyed while I was reading it but looking back on it a couple of weeks later I just feel ambiguous about it and in spite of the many unanswered questions we were left with at the end of the book I don't think I care enough to want to pick up the sequel.

You can read the rest of my review on my blog: FEELING FICTIONAL

(I'm sorry but I'm no longer including my full reviews on Goodreads because I don't agree with the way they implemented the latest change to their TOS and started deleting user content with no prior warning.)
Heart of Iron - Bec McMaster Lena always wanted to claim her place within the Echelon so she was horrified when her family had to go into hiding in the slums of Whitechapel. Having the chance to go back to polite society and have her debut should be a dream come true but as much as she loves the beautiful dresses and the glittering balls she now sees a much darker and more sinister side to things than she did as an idealistic young girl. She's decided to put her new position to good use though and has become a spy for the humanist movement. Unfortunately the people she has allied herself with may have more sinister motives than she could ever have guessed at and it isn't long before she realises that she's in over her head. Will has spent years trying to avoid the Echelon but when he realises what Lena has got herself caught up in he knows he must do anything he can to protect her. As the passion ignites between them they find each other hard to resist but can Will let go of his fear of hurting her enough to let her into his life as well as his heart?

I loved both Kiss of Steel and the Tarnished Knight novella so I couldn't wait to get started on Heart of Iron and I'm happy to say that it was the best book of the series so far. It is so easy to get caught up in the world that Bec McMaster has created and once I'm there I don't want to leave. I love the historical setting and the added steampunk and paranormal elements that all combine together to create a dark and gritty world. If you haven't started reading these books yet you really don't know what you're missing so grab a copy of Kiss of Steel immediately and dive right in!

I'm going to come right out with it and admit that I wasn't the biggest fan of Lena in the first book, she came across as quite childish and could be very selfish so I wasn't sure how I would get on with her as the heroine of this book. Thankfully reading the prequel to this story in the Tarnished Knight novella had started to change my mind about her and within a few chapters of Heart of Iron I'd grown to really like her. She has actually grown up a lot since the first book and has matured into a young woman who I could easily see myself being friends with. She is fierce and stubborn, protective of her friends and someone who wants to make a difference. Lena has willingly put her life at risk by becoming a spy for the humanist movement and I admired her for the changes she wants to see in the world. She can be quite impetuous and her tendency to jump into things without thinking them through properly can often get her into trouble but at least she is willing to accept help when she needs it.

I already really liked Will so it's no surprise that I fell head over heels in love with him throughout this book. He has had such a difficult life spending years in a cage being stared at and ridiculed before Blade rescued him. Even though he is now technically a free man he is the last remaining verwulfen in London since the rest of his kind were slaughtered and he isn't exactly made to feel welcome or allowed to travel outside of Whitechapel. Will is a loner, apart from the small family Blade has surrounded them with he doesn't trust anyone and he has deliberately cultivated his image as the "Beast of Whitechapel" to keep people at a distance. At first glance he can be quite a surly, angry young man but he has every reason for it and those who make it into his inner circle get to see the sweet, caring, loyal man hidden deep inside. Will is terrified of the things that Lena makes him feel, his whole life has been about learning to control his beast but she sets him on edge and makes him feel out of control and vulnerable. On top of that he is terrified of hurting her either because she makes his beast come to the surface or by giving her the highly infectious loupe virus. He wants nothing more than to claim her but knows it can never happen. That doesn't mean he will let anyone hurt her though, he protects the people he cares about and Lena is right at the top of that list so woe betide anyone who crosses her.

I absolutely loved watching the romance that develops between Lena and Will. Will tries so hard to keep her at arm's length but Lena knows what she wants and she keeps on pushing him until she gets it. The chemistry between these two was scorching and I was just about ready to die of frustration by the time they finally get their act together! Thankfully it was more than worth the wait and I loved every minute of the chase too. Although their romance plays a major part of the story there is so much more going on within this book. The world building has been stepped up a gear as we learn more about both the blue bloods of the Echelon and the verwolfen. There is also plenty of action and all the edge of your seat danger you'd expect from a story with a spy for the heroine. Heart of Iron was impossible to put down once I'd started reading it and I can't wait to read My Lady Quicksilver! Bec McMaster has become a must buy author for me and this is a series I can't recommend highly enough.
Heat of the Moment (Out of Uniform, #1) - Elle Kennedy Buddy read with Ange

Heat of the Moment may be short but it certainly packs a punch and is a very hot introduction to Elle Kennedy's Out of Uniform series.

You can read the rest of my review on my blog HERE: Feeling Fictional

(I'm sorry but I'm no longer including my full reviews on Goodreads because I don't agree with the way they implemented the latest change to their TOS and started deleting user content with no prior warning.)
Elysian Fields  - Suzanne  Johnson DJ finds herself up against her most challenging enemy yet when an axe murderer starts claiming victims all over New Orleans. This isn't just any old murderer though, it's one of the historical undead and he's back to carry on the killing spree he started nearly 100 years ago. As if that wasn't bad enough it looks like DJ is his next target. Can she figure out who is behind his sudden reappearance and why they have sent him after her? She doesn't just have a killer to catch though, she also has the elven Synod to deal with and they aren't happy that their ancient staff has bonded to her.

I really enjoyed both of the previous books in this series so I couldn't wait to start reading Elysian Fields and I'm happy to say it was the best instalment yet. There are so many different plot threads going on in this story which made it faster paced and even more action packed than the previous books. We finally see DJ pick between the three men in her life, I'm not going to tell you who she chooses but I will say I was very happy with the outcome. We should know better than to expect DJ's love life to ever be free of complications though and it isn't long before someone throws a major spanner in the works. I'm not sure that I'm particularly happy about the latest development but it is certainly going to have huge implications for the rest of the series and I'll be very interested to see how things play out!

I really enjoyed getting to learn more about the elves in this book, they've been very much on the sidelines in the series so far but they definitely have a more central role to play this time around. The elves are a very secretive race who generally keep themselves to themselves and avoid the rest of the preternatural population but since finding out that DJ has bonded with one of their ancient staffs they have been watching her. They aren't happy to have one of their powerful weapons in the hands of a wizard no matter how much elvish blood is running through DJ's veins. The elves make for powerful enemies and I'm sure that DJ hasn't seen the last of them yet, in fact I suspect that they are going to be a major part of the series going onwards.

Elysian Fields is a fantastic, fast paced, edge of your seat thrill ride that will have you hooked from beginning to end. I can't wait to see how things play out and the next book will definitely be at the top of my to read pile the moment it's released. If you haven't started the series yet then I would recommend reading the books in order but it's such a fun series and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Fans of the previous two books are just going to love reading about DJ's latest adventures.
Choose Your Shot: An Interactive Erotic Adventure (Long Shots #5) - Christine d'Abo An interactive choose your own adventure style erotic romance? SIGN ME UP!!!!
Buddy read with Ange & Cory

My review:
Do you remember those choose your own adventure stories that you used to read as a child? If you were anything like me you would read them over and over again just so you could try out the different options. Choose Your Shot is just like those adventure stories but it's much more adult in nature, instead of deciding if your character is going to take the cliff path or head down onto the beach you get to decide if she goes down in the dungeon with Master Grant or goes exploring in the upstairs playrooms! You can decide if she wants to be dominated or if she would prefer to submit and you get to choose which toys she gets to play with (or if you're greedy like me you can let her try out all of the possibilities!).

I was already a huge fan of Christine d'Abo's Long Shots series, I have enjoyed all of the previous stories and have loved the way they give a realistic portrayal of the BDSM world. This series was already on my auto buy list but when I found out this one was going to be a choose your own adventure it just made me want to read it even more. I've never come across this kind of erotic CYOA story before and I couldn't wait to try it. I don't think I've had this much fun reading an erotic romance for a long time, I absolutely loved getting to be in control of which areas of the club Tegan enters and what she does when she gets there. Some of the scenes are longer than others but they were all fun and some were incredibly hot, this is definitely a cold shower kind of book!

I'm going to tell you right now that the scenes with Master Grant were my absolute favourite, as much as I liked Adam and Eli they just didn't hit my buttons in quite the way that Grant did. I had a lot of fun trying them all on for size though! What I liked most is that you can go right back to the beginning and start all over again if something isn't to your taste, or you can just go back one chapter and select another option. It's entirely up to you where your adventure takes you and you can read this story completely differently every time depending on your mood. This is definitely a story I can see myself reading again in the future just for that fact alone.

I will warn you that because of the way it is written there isn't a huge amount of romance in the story. This is very much a night of Tegan exploring her sexual fantasies and there is no HEA at the end of the book, that said you can choose from several different endings so you may like to see her talking about the possibility of taking things further with one of the men or you may want her to walk away from all of them. There may not be a HEA but she does have a connection with each of the men she plays with and the scenes are so hot that I didn't mind it being a happy for now kind of deal. Choose Your Shot was a fun, sexy read that I thoroughly enjoyed and I'd definitely be up for reading more of this choose your own adventure style erotic stories in the future.